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Jenna & Antti Laurila

jenna (at)
antti (at)


ill titleWelcome !

Welcome to my webpages! I hope you enjoy visit here!



ill titlePresentation

We live in a house in Lahti with my husband Antti. We have rabbits and pugs, you'll find more information about them on this website. I got my first pug Oscu in 1999, who started my pug career. His breeder convinced me to take him to a dog show. The kennel name Oscularia's comes from Oscu's official name (Kastanjan Oscularia-Oscar). His legacy is present in our breeding even today as he is found in our pug family tree one way or another. Eventually the pug's charming character made me start breeding in 2008. You'll find the health reports and show results of my pugs from this link:
Oscularia's pugs ill_2

We also have co-owned pugs who live with our friends.

I think health and natural forms of treatment are very important for dogs. All of my dogs eat mainly raw food and also puppies are raised by raw food. Since you never know too much, I'm always studying about natural treatment and feeding.